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Industries in the Spotlight
Industries in the Spotlight
Industries in the Spotlight
Steel & Energy: Heavy metal on rails
Whether scrap, steel coils, beams or wire rod - the Steel & Energy segment moves more than 7 million tonnes of [...]
Steel & Energy: Heavy metal on rails -
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Industries in the Spotlight
Consumer goods: what dog food, Billy...
The world of consumer goods is diverse and includes everything you can find when shopping – from food and [...]
Consumer goods: what dog food, Billy shelves and housing containers have in common -
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Industries in the Spotlight
Chemical Transport: When Everything...
Every year, RCG transports four million tons of chemical products, supplying Europe's industries with raw [...]
Chemical Transport: When Everything has to be Perfect -
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Industries in the Spotlight
Wood on the Move: From Forest to...
The timber industry is one of Europe's most traditional and dynamic sectors. The transport of wood products [...]
Wood on the Move: From Forest to Finished Product -
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Industries in the Spotlight
Building materials: logistics with...
From raw materials such as gravel and speciality products such as salt to finished products such as concrete [...]
Building materials: logistics with maximum precision -
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Industries in the Spotlight
Paper: An Industry in Transition
The paper market has undergone some major upheavals over the years – from fewer newspapers and catalogues to [...]
Paper: An Industry in Transition -
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Industries in the Spotlight
How waste is revolutionising the...
Waste transport has developed into an independent business unit at Rail Cargo Group (RCG). The Environmental [...]
How waste is revolutionising the industry -
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Industries in the Spotlight
Excellence in car transportation
The Rail Cargo Group (RCG) transported a million vehicles in 2023. A brilliant logistical performance, driven by [...]
Excellence in car transportation -
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Industries in the Spotlight
Supplying pasta factories with...
Agricultural products are an essential part of our daily diet. Yet few people understand how they get from the [...]
Supplying pasta factories with agricultural transports -
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