Four eyes see more than two: this tried and tested recipe for success has its legitimacy in management too. If the right decisions are taken here, the whole company will benefit. Mistakes, on the other hand, often have serious consequences. The work time model “Top Sharing”, where two people share one leadership position working part-time, makes use of the dual control principle.
More flexible, more efficient, better
Top Sharing has many advantages: the combination of different experiences, skills and resources leads to better results. The tasks are distributed based on interest, potential and desired fields of learning and also varied to make the day to day working routine more exciting. The decisions made in tandem are also more sound and thus of great value because when discussing these decisions, people will naturally talk about different perspectives. By sharing responsibility and enabling the abundance of tasks to be tackled together, there is a relieving of burden on both sides. This can enable a workload to be managed in such a way that the necessarily slightly higher level of coordination is more than compensated for.
More women in management
In times of a growing shortage of management staff, the model sets an international precedent. This means that Top Sharing, especially part-time, is an appealing perspective, as it opens up lots of career opportunities. Thus, the shared management position is especially attractive for women, who would like to balance their family and job: they can be there for their family and also drive their career forward.
Opportunities for gender diversity
This concept is forging its way here at the RCG right now: we have set ourselves the goal of allowing women and men equal opportunities. In the coming years, we want to increase the proportion of women in management to 50 percent. We would therefore like to make use of the advantages of Top Sharing and test out the model for one year in the Marketing & Communications department.
We will report on how we got on with the programme right here!