The TransFER Erzberg in pictures

05. 06. 2024

The Red Bull Erzbergrodeo is the toughest one-day enduro in the world and demands everything from riders from 40 nations over 35 gruelling kilometres. For this reason, the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) established the TransFER Erzberg: a special transport service for riders and their equipment.

A unique atmosphere, well-rested athletes and the most brutal one-day enduro in the world. The RCG brought the riders from Düsseldorf to the Erzberg in Styria and back again with a special transport service, the TransFER Erzberg – including cars with motorbike trailers and  mini-buses with a complete setup. The relaxed journey there and back in the couchette coach was an experience in itself for the passengers.

Here are a few impressions of the festival feeling on the train and on site. Have fun clicking through!